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2:39 AES at a glance
At AES, our goal is to continue to guide each child towards academic excellence.
Uploaded Feb 03, 2020 -
2:18 AES Mentorship Program
Watch some highlights from good mentoring that empowers mentees to develop their own strengths. Thanks to AES 7th graders for teaching Kindergarteners how to make slime.
Uploaded Jan 29, 2020 -
3:14 Grandparents and Special Friends Day
On behalf of our Eagles, we want to say thank you to our grandparents and special friends for joining us today! It was overwhelmingly joyous to see all the beautiful faces thank you for making the day special for our Eagles.
Uploaded Jan 29, 2020 -
6:04 The Epiphany Presentation at AES
Pre-K Eagles Proudly Presents: The Epiphany Presentation
Uploaded Jan 29, 2020
The remembrance of the Birth of Jesus 💖 -
2:37 AES Veterans Day Chapel
Thank you to all our Veterans
Uploaded Jan 29, 2020
We are grateful for our Veterans, thank you all for your selfless service!
Watch some highlights from our Veterans Day Chapel. -
1:51 Community service at AES
At AES, service-learning is an important part of our curriculum that is designed to strengthen our students by teaching them to give to others. Before we send our Eagles on Thanksgiving holiday, they joyfully participated in helping collect food for children who do not have enough to eat. This has been a tradition at AES for over ten years, and we are grateful to God for our community for this opportunity. #goaeseagles #communityservice.
Uploaded Jan 29, 2020 -
1:07 St. Nicholas Chapel
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Thank you St. Nicholas for visiting today during chapel and teaching our Eagles about love, compassion and the importance of giving. #StNicholasChapel
Uploaded Jan 29, 2020 -
2:25 Steady, Sturdy and Powerful, AES has Great News!!!
For 47 years Ascension Episcopal School has been a art of thousands of young Eagles' lives. Every year we watch many leave to enter into the middle school days of their educational journey. However, recently, AES has decided to move into the Middle School educational spaces to offer more opportunities for the communities' parents and children. We look forward to being an active part of your child's academic success story! More Eagles = More Blessings!
Uploaded Apr 18, 2019 -
00:56 Texas AllStar Fall Graduation PreK & Kinder Eagles Uploaded Dec 20, 2018 to Kindergarten
00:48 Texas AllStars Graduation Preschool & Preschool Plus
Our Preschool & Preschool Plus Eagles had a Blast for Their Graduation Assessment!
Uploaded Dec 20, 2018 to Preschool